Besides boosting your writing quality, books are gateways to fine detailed imaginary worlds and will enable you to transpose those environments into your work or inspire you to create new ones. Referencing subtle details from literature will engage your viewers, unconsciously evoking old, hidden feelings.
Perhaps more blatant than books, movies have the power to project the viewer into fantastic realms, but exploiting more the visual and auditory senses, rather than rely on imagination. You can analyze them for both taking inspiration from great directors, or learn how to avoid compositions that don’t make the most of the subject. They are also useful in training your eyes for anticipating the perfect shots.
Just like clothing, music is one of the most prominent assets of any culture of the world. They also go hand in hand, so anchoring one on the other is the most natural thing. You already set the mood for shooting sessions with music, so enriching your musical culture will result in more profound soundtracks in your creation journeys.
Design dresses. Prepare dishes. Make jewellery. Learn makeup. Create whatever is your subject in your work. Learning how to build them offers you valuable insights about objects and reveals the most important details that you should feature in your photography.
This one can help expand your photography abilities and career in ways you cannot predict. From taking photos in unknown locations and circumstances to visiting inspiring venues, analyzing work of arts and extending your network by meeting different interesting people. Really you can train yourself anywhere and get inspired from anything that’s outside your circle of comfort. Just go ahead and observe, talk, capture.