Black & White photography is definitely a well discussed subject by many others and will certainly be for a long time, as each and everyone of us has it's own style that applies to this type of photography. Many people always ask me how do I manage to take such gorgeous, and the answer is pretty straight forward. It's a combination of experience, personal flavours and great lighting.
As all photographers will say, light is the key element. You can have the best set-up, the most recent and most expensive gear, but if you get the light wrong, than all is for nothing. So to you, dear reader my first tip is to always make sure you have the perfect light set-up for your shot.
Another important aspect is that you have to be able to visualise the way your shot will look. That's because your camera's viewfinder is showing you a coloured version, so it's important to translate that into black and white in your mind.
The colour of your subject and the environment is also important. You need colours that are contrasting to each other, because otherwise in black and white colours will end up looking the same.